Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Catching up

Don't ya just love the craziness of life? In all honesty....I do, I love my life! It is busy and nonstop but I really don't think that I would want it any other way. I am so happy to be able to do so much with my kids and I know that they are growing up way too fast, so I am getting as much in while I can. Okay, enough of that....on to the knitting fun. I was all excited on Monday when the mail came that I took pictures of some fun stuff that I recieved. Of course, I didn't quite get the chance to blog about it, but I can make up for it now. :)

First was a package from England with some Rowan Felted Tweed that I had won on ebay.

It will be made in to a set of Knucks for my hubby. Please note that this is the first thing he has ever wanted me to make for him. He thinks that he wants me to stitch "rite" and "left" on the respective mits. LOL

The cute little nose that you see in the above photo belongs to the queen feline of the house, Emily:

There was still more excitement in the mail in the form of a pattern:

Aren't these hedgehogs just adorable!!! I an hardly wait to cast one on. It will also be my first felting project.

I did manage to get Peridita finished but out turned out a little bigger than the first one I did. Not sure what happened. Its all good though as I am planning on it being a gift. Not sure yet who the recipient will be.

Knitting time has not been as readily availible with life happening, so sock progress is slow.That and the fact that I had the gauge off bad enough on the Wonky Lace sock that I frogged it and began again. Yesterday morning the sock looked like this:

and last night when I went to bed, it looked like this:

Definite progress and I like how it is making a striped pattern now as well. I am still concerned about how the cuff is so much larger than I feel it should be. I will go ahead and finish it, wash and block it to see if I like it any better.
Well, that should catch me up for now. Hopefully I will have more stuff to show off soon.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh my gosh...I have to get the hedgehog pattern.