Monday, July 09, 2007

Trying to figure this thing out

Sorry about how the last post looks. I was trying to fix the font and everything went wonky and it wouldn't correct. Grrrr Oh well, hopefully I can get it right first try this time. I managed to get photos of almost everything that I wanted to. As a result though, this will be a bit of a photo heavy post. Sorry about that.
Okay, let's start with an update on the Tulip Baby Cardigan. Since ripping it out, I haven't had quite as much drive as before but I am rocking along pretty well on it:

Unfortunately it is competing for my attention at the moment. You see, last Friday we took a bit of a day trip up to Prescott and I had to visit a local yarn store. ;) I went to The Fiber Shop , which does not seem to have a website at this time and I managed to get some lovely Skacel Merino Lacein color 93, some size 8/0 black beads and a set of addi turbo 4's. Which lead me to start on this:

The Mystery Stole 3.

I want to note that I was so enamored with The Fiber Shop. It was such a quintessential
yarn shop. You walk in the door and a greeted by the friendly staff and also brilliant colors everywhere!

Note that this is just a small nibble of what all they have. Then after you start to recover a bit from the headiness of it all, you also notice that they have a knitting nook set up right in the front window:

as well as a sitting area for those waiting for you to shop: ;)

I can't even come close to posting all the pictures that DH took while we were there. He was loving all the colors. I told him that it was getting an inkling of what makes it all fun for us fiber enthusiasts. ;D

Back to the current WIP's. Here is what I have done of my Knee high to a Grasshopper socks from the April installment ok the BMFA Rocking Sock Club :

My current plan is to go for the longer version. We will see.

Next is the wrap out of the hand painted yarn that I picked up in Sedona back in May:

I really love the colors of this yarn. It is exactly what I was looking for, something done locally and in the colors of Sedona. It is really great to work with as well.

And the final WIP that I took a picture of is the "I'm not sure if it will be a wrap or lap throw" out of Patton's Divine that I received for Christmas:

It is knitting up pretty well and it is fun to knit with the lite up needles when traveling at night.
Alrighty, that is all for this installment. I think it just might be enough, ya know? LOL

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