Saturday, August 19, 2006

The yarn has spoken

And it is telling me that it is just not meant to be for the adult wonky lace sock. *sigh*

It is just turning out too loose on the cuff and despite the 80's making a come back this year, I can not stand to wear slouchy socks. I love the way the Cascade Fixation knits up but it just isn't working out for me with the pattern. I do believe that it will make a wonderful plain ole ribbed sock that I will wear until it wears out though. But for now it will have to sit like this:

because I really need to get busy on making baby gifts. Something about one already here, 2 due soon and a set of twin girls being due in a few months. Eeeek!!!! So, until I at least knock out the eminent ones, the socks will have to wait. Although the temptation to cast on a hedgehog may be to great. :P

1 comment:

Graveh said...

I've been through this whole blog and now I await. For the evil to come out. Evil knitting socks of impending doom!